How and when to locate the zodiac constellations

How to observe the constellations?

To correctly identify
the constellations, it is necessary to see the stars who draw their figures. People living in cities or surrounding areas are very few of them because the light pollution (light generated in excess by the man and escaping into the environment) adversely affects the visibility of the fainter stars. It is therefore recommended, seek a dark place. It is necessary first of all, if we learn in a rigorous and accurate, we begin by, that is the first we have seen and recognized in our lives.
From here, we're moving with a view of the constellations surrounding the first, provided we have a map the night sky or a guide to the naked eye. Once we have identified a constellation in the night sky, the other automatically will we, how difficult is the first, we must look to a person who knows one, just one, that is enough to start on the map. It is very easy, if we see the "Car or Big Dipper" in heaven and on the map else is there to find the next both in heaven and on the map. You can learn new constellations. Locate constellations of the zodiac is not an easy task and its visibility depends on the location where you intend to observe and the time of year it is. Here is a brief description of each constellation and where they stand:

: the sun is within this constellation from February 16 until March 11.
It is
beneath a constellation Pegasus and is very large. Within it is a very famous nebula called the "Nebula
Saturn, "but not visible to the naked eye.

-ARIES: it has very bright stars, which makes its location in the sky, but in any case is quite
close to the west of the Pleiades in Taurus. The main star of Aries is Hamal, known as "Ram's Head."
The only object is not callable stellar spiral galaxy NGC772. This constellation is visible in autumn and the sun is
it from April 18 until May 13.

-CANCER: This constellation has a famous star cluster, the M44 "The Crib", easily seen with the naked eye.
There is also the cluster M67. Cancer is a constellation difficult to locate for possessing inconspicuous star, although
can be seen to the left of Castor and Polloux, looking south. The Sun is in Cancer from 19
July to August 9.
You can locate between Gemini and Leo.

: a constellation that includes 400 ° square. Their main star is Deneb, a double star
easy to observe with the naked eye in two stars. The interesting stellar object is the globular cluster NGC 7099, which is observable with a telescope of about 100 mm observed its bright central condensation. This constellation is visible in fall.El Sun is in it about 29 days, from January 19 to February 16. Capricorn is located in the hemisphere
At this time this constellation is on the planet Jupiter.

-GEMINI: the constellation of the twins. Based on its two brightest stars Castor POLLOUX and, if descend to Orion, we can distinguish as two figures holding hands. It is located between Cancer and Taurus and is visible in winter. In this constellation is not anything that is of much interest, except the open cluster M35, observable with binoculars. On the feet of Gemini passes the Milky Way. The Sun is in this constellation
from June 20 to July 19.

-LEO: One of the most beautiful in this area of ​​the sky, big and bright. It looks like a trapezoid of four stars rather brilliant west of the twins, with six stars forming a question mark. It is visible in winter, spring and early summer. It is prolonging the Big Dipper points to Polaris counterclockwise about four times the length of the side of this constellation, between Virgo and Cancer. Its brightest star is Regulus. Stresses in the Lion's tail star Denebola. The constellation crosses the plane of Ecuador. It has a meteoric swarm "The Leonidas "which comes from the disintegration of the comet Tempeltuttle. In times returning this comet, which makes each
33 years, there is the greatest manifestation of meteor shower. The Sun is in Leo from August 9 to
September 15.

The sun is in this constellation of October 30 to November 22. Its northern edge is precisely the level of Ecuador. The name given to this constellation is very old and is due to its two stars ZUBENUBI main ZUBANELYA which is yellow and that is green, are of equal magnitude, which allows us to imagine the two plates of a balance. There is a constellation attractive at first glance because its stars are of low magnitude.
Libra is visible in the spring.

: Pisces constellation Andromeda is located below the large ring and Pegasus. When the sun is in Pisces, is when it crosses the plane of Ecuador and it happens to about the March 21. In these
dates for Pisces is the planet Saturn.

: This is a great constellation. It lies to the south and below the Ecuador. In this area we observe the M17 "Omega Nebula" not observable to the naked eye and the M20 "Trifid Nebula" in Sagittarius. The Sun
in Sagittarius from December 5th until January 19th.

: The Sun is in Scorpio from November 22 to 29 thereof. It abounds months open clusters and globular. It's amazing the star Antares, red star, reminiscent of the planet Mars. It also has the cluster
M6, close to Antares, visible with binoculars.

: This is a winter constellation.
Its brightest star is Aldebaran, one of the brightest in the sky.
Near Aldebaran, a group of stars "The Hyades", which along with "The Pleiades" are the two most beautiful groups of stars that can be seen with the naked eye. The Pleiades are situated close to the bull's tail and is a cluster. The main stars of the Pleiades are: Atlas, Alcyone, Merope, Electra, Maia and Taygetus.
Many more views through a telescope. Taurus also has the "Crab Galaxy" or M41. The Sun is at
Taurus from May 13 until June 20.

a constellation is not clear. Can be distinguished as a set of stars arranged in more or less line east of Leo and Bootes below. The only star SPICA to note is that it can be seen throughout the summer. Virgo is visible in the fall and lies between Libra and Leo. It has the M104 "Sombrero Galaxy" and nebulae M61 and M84. The Sun is in Virgo from September 15 until October 30.

Do you have an smartphone with android?

the Google Sky Map App, which will allow you to locate planets, constellations and stars in the sky are just point your smartphone or you will show the location of the constellation of the zodiac you want to see, in seconds!

Here is a demonstration video of Google Sky Map /watch?v=p6znyx0gjb4&feature=player_embedded

For download follow the instruction in this link

or use the
QR code reader of you smartphone ;)

6 comentarios:

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